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Virtual Try On For Retailers: What You Need To Know

virtual try on for retailers, what you need to know

The ever-expanding world of eCommerce has revolutionized the retail landscape, prompting businesses to innovate and enhance their customers’ shopping experiences. One such innovation is MIRRARME, a Virtual Try On system that empowers customers to virtually try on products before making a purchase.

Discover how MIRRARME addresses common challenges in online shopping, providing a seamless and personalized experience for your valued customers.

Solving Key Shopping Problems: MIRRARME effectively addresses various issues prevalent in beauty and fashion shopping today:

  1. Uncertainty in Online Shopping: Eliminate the hesitation associated with online shopping by allowing customers to virtually try on products, ensuring a more confident and secure purchasing decision.

  2. High Return Rates: Mitigate the challenge of high return rates by enabling customers to visualize how a product will look on them before making a purchase, reducing the likelihood of disappointment upon delivery.

  3. Inaccurate Sizing: Say goodbye to the hassle of inaccurate size charts. Mirrarme enables customers to try on clothes, shoes, and accessories virtually, ensuring the right size is chosen the first time.

  4. Lack of Personalization: MIRRARME offers customized product recommendations based on customers’ preferences, measurements, and desired aesthetic, fostering a comfortable and personalized shopping experience.

  5. Competitive Advantage: Stand out in the saturated online shopping industry by adopting MIRRARME’s innovative Virtual Try-On technology, attracting tech enthusiasts seeking a more engaging and exciting way to shop.

  6. Reduced Environmental Impact: Embrace sustainability with MIRRARME’s eco-friendly approach, eliminating the need for in-person product trials and significantly reducing return and swap rates.

Choosing the Right Provider:

Ensure a successful integration of MIRRARME into your business by considering these essential steps:

  1. Technology and Features: Evaluate MIRRARME providers based on realistic and customizable virtual try on features, ensuring compatibility with your product offerings.

  2. User Experience and Interface: Prioritize a smooth and enjoyable user experience, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction with MIRRARME’S virtual try on option.

  3. Data Privacy and Security: Ensure the protection of customer information with a MIRRARME provider that prioritizes data security and complies with privacy regulations.

  4. Integration and Compatibility: Select a MIRRARME system that seamlessly integrates with your existing e-commerce platform, website, or mobile app.

  5. Cost and Pricing Structure: Determine the cost of implementing MIRRARME, including startup fees, licenses, and ongoing maintenance, ensuring it aligns with your budget and provides a clear return on investment.

How MIRRARME Can Boost Your Business:

Industries such as fashion, beauty, eyewear, and accessories can experience significant benefits with MIRRARME:

  • Improved customer experience
  • Increased conversion rates and sales
  • Time and cost savings for both businesses and buyers
  • Enhanced brand loyalty through personalized recommendations


MIRRARME is reshaping the landscape of retail and online purchasing, providing a solution to common challenges and offering a more immersive and feasible online shopping experience. Join the ranks of renowned brands and elevate your customer engagement with MIRRARME’S Virtual Try On technology.

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Revolutionizing Retail: The Power of AI in Personalized Shopping Experiences

In the dynamic landscape of fashion retail, personalization has evolved from a luxury to a necessity, and at the forefront of this transformation is Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI algorithms are reshaping the shopping experience, leveraging data to understand customer preferences and deliver tailor-made recommendations. This article explores five ways AI is revolutionizing personalized shopping experiences, along with insights on implementation and examples of pioneering companies leading the charge.


AI algorithms analyze vast sets of customer data, including purchase history and browsing behavior, to predict future preferences accurately. Implementing this technology allows retailers to offer hyper-personalized product recommendations, creating a seamless and enjoyable shopping journey.


Utilize customer data effectively to train AI algorithms. Collect and analyze data on past purchases, browsing behavior, and preferences to enhance the accuracy of predictive recommendations.


  • Amazon: The e-commerce giant employs AI algorithms to suggest products based on individual browsing and purchase history, creating a highly personalized shopping experience.


AI-powered virtual styling assistants provide customers with personalized fashion advice based on their unique preferences, body shape, and style. These assistants emulate an in-store shopping experience, guiding users through curated looks and suggesting complementary items.


Combine AI styling advice with virtual try-on features. This allows customers to visualize how recommended items will look on them, enhancing the online shopping experience.


  • Saks Fifth Avenue: The luxury retailer utilizes AI-driven virtual styling assistants to offer personalized fashion advice and curated looks to its customers.


AI enables retailers to implement dynamic pricing strategies based on individual customer behaviors and preferences. By analyzing data on purchasing patterns, AI can offer personalized discounts or promotions, maximizing customer engagement and loyalty.


Leverage AI to analyze customer behavior and preferences. Implement personalized pricing strategies that align with individual shopping habits to drive customer satisfaction.


  • Uber: While not a fashion retailer, Uber dynamically adjusts pricing based on demand and user behavior, showcasing the versatility of AI in personalized pricing.


AI-driven chatbots enhance the shopping experience by providing real-time assistance and personalized recommendations. These virtual assistants can answer queries, offer styling advice, and guide customers through the purchase process.


Integrate AI-powered chatbots into your online platforms to provide instant and personalized assistance. Ensure a seamless flow between virtual assistants and human customer support.


  • H&M: The popular fashion brand employs chatbots to assist customers with product queries, sizing recommendations, and styling advice.


AI-driven inventory management systems analyze customer data to predict popular products and trends. Retailers can personalize their inventory based on these insights, ensuring a tailored selection that resonates with their customer base.


Integrate AI-powered predictive analytics into inventory management systems. Leverage customer data to anticipate trends and stock products that align with individual preferences.


  • Zara: The fast-fashion giant employs AI to optimize inventory management, ensuring that stores stock items based on regional customer preferences and buying patterns.


Artificial Intelligence is not just a technological evolution; it’s a revolution in the way we shop. By implementing AI algorithms, retailers can create deeply personalized shopping experiences that cater to individual preferences, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive brand loyalty. As we witness the transformative impact of AI, it’s clear that the future of fashion retail lies in the hands of intelligent algorithms, shaping a more personalized, engaging, and seamless shopping journey for every customer.

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Empowering Fashion: The Evolution of Sustainable Fabrics

In the dynamic landscape of fashion, sustainability is no longer a trend but a transformative force. A notable player in this revolution is the integration of technology into eco-friendly fabrics, giving rise to Sustainable Tech Fabrics. This article delves into the essence of these fabrics, their implementation strategies, and the diverse benefits they offer to fashion retailers.

Unraveling Sustainable Tech Fabrics

Sustainable Tech Fabrics represent a fusion of innovation and environmental consciousness. Unlike traditional sustainable materials, these fabrics incorporate advanced technologies to enhance both their eco-friendliness and functionality. From textiles with self-healing properties to those embedded with sensors tracking their environmental impact, these fabrics redefine the possibilities of sustainable fashion.

What Makes a Fabric Sustainable?

Sustainable fabrics prioritize environmental and social responsibility throughout their life cycle. They encompass organic materials like organic cotton, recycled fibers from post-consumer waste, and materials with minimal ecological footprints. Integrating technology into these sustainable fabrics enhances their impact, offering unique features that resonate with the modern consumer.

Implementing Sustainable Tech Fabrics?

For fashion retailers eager to embark on this eco-friendly journey, the key is collaboration. Partnering with sustainable tech fabric suppliers ensures access to materials aligned with both fashion and sustainability goals. Highlight this commitment through dedicated collections, showcasing the innovative use of Sustainable Tech Fabrics and emphasizing transparency in the supply chain.

Implementation Tip: Collaborate for Impact

Forge partnerships with reputable sustainable tech fabric suppliers committed to eco-conscious practices. Transparent collaborations not only strengthen your brand’s credibility but also contribute to the broader narrative of sustainable fashion.

Benefits of Sustainable Tech Fabrics

  1. Elevated Brand Reputation: Embracing Sustainable Tech Fabrics positions brands as pioneers in eco-conscious fashion. This commitment to innovative, environmentally responsible materials fosters trust and admiration among consumers.

  2. Appealing to Eco-Conscious Consumers: Integrating Sustainable Tech Fabrics caters to the growing segment of consumers prioritizing sustainability. This approach resonates with their values, fostering brand loyalty and satisfaction.

  3. Contributing to Global Sustainability Goals: The adoption of tech-infused sustainable fabrics is not merely a brand choice; it is a contribution to global sustainability initiatives. Fashion retailers become integral parts of a collective movement steering the industry towards a more sustainable future.Real World Examples

Real World Examples

  1. Patagonia: Patagonia, known for its commitment to sustainability, utilizes recycled polyester and organic cotton in its products. The company actively promotes transparency in its supply chain, setting an industry benchmark.

  2. Stella McCartney: Stella McCartney champions sustainable fashion by incorporating innovative materials such as MyloTM, a mushroom-based leather alternative. The brand is a trailblazer in demonstrating that fashion can be both ethical and luxurious.

The Path Forward:

Sustainable Tech Fabrics represent a dynamic and ongoing evolution within the fashion industry. As retailers explore these materials, they embrace a holistic approach to sustainability. This journey is not just a choice but a responsibility, aligning with the ever-growing environmental consciousness of consumers and the industry alike. Through Sustainable Tech Fabrics, fashion becomes a powerful vehicle for positive change, proving that style and sustainability can indeed walk hand in hand into a greener future.

Contributed by the MIRRARME team 

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The Magic of Smart Fitting Rooms: How RFID Technology and Interactive Mirrors are Revolutionizing Retail

The Magic of Smart Fitting Rooms: How RFID Technology and Interactive Mirrors are Revolutionizing Retail

For Fashion Enthusiasts, the magic of online shopping has been brought to life in fitting rooms. Smart Fitting Rooms combine RFID technology with interactive mirrors to create a transformative retail experience. Let’s take a closer look at the enchanting features of this technology and what makes it special.

The Spell:

Smart Fitting Rooms rely on a combination of a motion sensor, an interactive touch-screen mirror, and RFID technology to create a magical experience for customers. As soon as a customer enters the fitting room, the RFID tags on the items they bring in are read, offering assistance, information, and even summoning help if needed.

The Magical Components:

  • Framed Mirror
  • RFID Reader & Antennas
  • Motion Sensor
  • Touchscreen Display
  • Internet Connection
  • A store with RFID item-level tagging

Enchanting Features:

  • Detects customer movement and presence
  • Identifies items brought in for trying on
  • Displays detailed product information
  • Provides real-time availability updates
  • Suggests complementary items and recommendations
  • Offers services like Call for Assistance or requesting different products/sizes/colors

Why Should We Believe in Magic?

  • Enhanced Customer Experience:
  • Smart fitting rooms offer interactive options, showcasing related items, real-time stock views, and the convenience of requesting items directly to the fitting room.

The Customer’s Wish List:

  • Displays different product combinations
  • Provides product recommendations
  • Checks article availability
  • Shows a full range of articles to browse through
  • Offers additional information, videos, and social media integration
  • Enables digitally supported purchase decisions
  • Allows direct reservation or ordering of articles
  • Offers various delivery options (home, another store, etc.)

The Magic Touch on Economics:

  • Increasing Sales:
  • Smart fitting rooms combat lost sales by addressing the crucial fitting room conversions. Shoppers using fitting rooms are 70% more likely to buy, and smart fitting rooms bridge the gap by displaying available sizes and styles.
  • They also increase basket size through in-store cross-selling, offering product recommendations based on items brought into the fitting room.

The Retail Crystal Ball:

  • New Data and Insights:
  • Smart fitting rooms offer insights into customer experiences. From item conversion rates to staff response times, this data allows retailers to make informed decisions and enhance the in-store experience.

Unveiling the Magic:

Smart fitting rooms stand out as an evolution, enhancing a vital part of the shopping experience. As we decode the magic behind RFID and interactive mirrors, it’s clear that smart fitting rooms are not just a revolution; they’re an enchanting evolution in the realm of customer-centric retail.  

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Fashion Forward: Embracing the Tech Trends of 2024 for Retail Success

As the fashion industry unfurls its vibrant fabrics, a new era of innovation dawns on the horizon. In the year 2024, fashion and technology intertwine, paving the way for retailers to captivate their audience and transcend the traditional shopping experience. In this article, we’ll delve into the cutting-edge fashion technology trends of 2024, offering insights into how to implement these trends and outlining the potential benefits for forward-thinking fashion retailers.


In a world where online shopping reigns supreme, providing customers with a virtual try-on experience is a game-changer. By leveraging augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies, fashion retailers can offer customers the ability to virtually try on clothes and accessories from the comfort of their homes. This immersive experience enhances customer engagement and reduces the likelihood of returns, creating a seamless and satisfying shopping journey.

Implementation Tip: Collaborate with tech firms specializing in AR and VR to create a user-friendly and realistic virtual try-on platform integrated into your online store.

Benefits: Increased customer satisfaction, reduced return rates, and a boost in online sales.


As sustainability continues to shape the fashion landscape, the integration of technology into eco-friendly fabrics is gaining traction. From self-healing materials to fabrics with embedded sensors monitoring environmental impact, tech-infused sustainable fashion not only aligns with consumer values but also promotes innovation within the industry.

Implementation Tip: Partner with sustainable tech fabric suppliers and showcase your commitment to eco-conscious fashion through dedicated collections.

Benefits: Enhanced brand reputation, appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, and participation in the global push for sustainable practices.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing personalization in the world of fashion retail. By implementing AI algorithms, retailers can analyze customer preferences, purchase history, and browsing behavior to curate personalized product recommendations. This fosters a deeper connection with customers and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Implementation Tip: Invest in AI-powered customer relationship management (CRM) systems to gather and analyze customer data, tailoring marketing strategies and product offerings accordingly.

Benefits: Improved customer retention, increased sales, and a competitive edge in the crowded retail landscape.


Revolutionizing the in-store experience, smart fitting rooms equipped with RFID technology and interactive mirrors offer customers a tech-savvy and efficient way to shop. RFID-enabled clothing tags allow the system to recognize items brought into the fitting room, providing additional product information and suggesting complementary pieces. This seamless integration of technology enhances the overall in-store experience and encourages cross-selling.

Implementation Tip: Collaborate with technology providers specializing in smart retail solutions to design and implement smart fitting rooms in your stores.

Benefits: Increased in-store engagement, higher conversion rates, and a reputation for embracing innovative retail solutions.


In conclusion, the fashion industry in 2024 is witnessing a revolution of style and technology, opening doors for retailers to engage customers in novel ways. Embracing virtual try-on experiences, sustainable tech fabrics, personalized shopping, and smart fitting rooms positions fashion brands at the forefront of innovation, fostering customer loyalty and driving business success in the digital age. As we navigate this tech-infused fashion frontier, the key to success lies in a willingness to adapt, experiment, and remain at the cutting edge of industry trends.

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Ethically Sourcing Your Fashion: A New Age Business Essential

The narrative of the fashion world is undergoing a dramatic shift. While style and innovation remain central, a new player is making its presence felt strongly: ethical sourcing. But as this term gains traction, especially among millennials and Gen Z consumers, many young entrepreneurs are left wondering about its intricacies. So, what does ethical sourcing entail, and how can it be interwoven into a budding fashion business?

Decoding Ethical Sourcing:
Ethical sourcing transcends the traditional confines of mere procurement. It’s a holistic approach that encapsulates several dimensions: human rights, fair wages, decent working conditions, and ecological responsibility. By embracing ethical sourcing, businesses don’t just source materials – they make a commitment to the well-being of every individual and the environment involved in the creation of their products.

Steps to Implementation:

  1. Deep Research:
    Venturing into ethical sourcing begins with comprehensive research. Today, there are myriad tools and indices designed to assist businesses in evaluating potential suppliers. One standout is the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Index, a tool specifically crafted to assess environmental and social labor performance across the supply chains in the apparel, footwear, and textile sectors.

  2. Direct Communication:
    While tools and metrics offer valuable insights, direct conversations can illuminate much more. By interacting with potential suppliers, businesses can gauge their commitment to ethical practices. Questions about fair wages, working conditions, sustainability initiatives, and even employee benefits can provide deeper understanding.

  3. Site Visits:
    Nothing beats firsthand experience. Personal visits to production facilities or farms offer a candid view of the operations. It allows brands to witness working conditions, environmental practices, and the general morale of the workforce.

  4. Audits:
    To ensure continued commitment to ethical standards, regular audits are essential. Consider partnering with third-party organizations, such as Fair Trade, to conduct these evaluations and provide certifications that can be showcased to consumers.

Real World Example:
Reformation, a brand synonymous with chic sustainable fashion, serves as an epitome of ethical sourcing. Their approach is dual-faceted: emphasizing the use of eco-friendly materials, such as organic cotton and Tencel, and prioritizing ethical labor practices. Their transparency is commendable, presenting a clear view of their supply chain and empowering consumers to make informed choices.

At first glance, ethical sourcing might seem like an onerous journey, but its rewards are manifold. The moral imperatives are undeniable, ensuring dignity and respect for all. However, from a business standpoint, the advantages are equally compelling:

  • Consumer Trust: With a growing number of consumers leaning towards sustainable brands, as highlighted by a McKinsey report, ethical sourcing can be a cornerstone in building trust and loyalty.

  • Brand Image: Ethical sourcing propels a brand’s image from being just another fashion label to an entity that cares, stands for values, and looks beyond profit.

  • Longevity: In a world where businesses are often scrutinized for their environmental and social impact, ethical sourcing can provide a buffer against potential PR disasters and ensure brand longevity.

Ethical sourcing, in the grand tapestry of the fashion business, is not just a thread; it’s the fabric itself. For young entrepreneurs keen on weaving a legacy, understanding and implementing ethical sourcing isn’t just beneficial – it’s imperative. As they sketch their entrepreneurial journey, integrating these principles ensures their path is paved with integrity, respect, and success.

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Sustainability in Fashion: How Young Entrepreneurs Can Make an Impact

In an era where fast fashion and consumerism reign supreme, the call for sustainable practices in the fashion industry has never been louder. For young, aspiring entrepreneurs venturing into the realm of e-commerce fashion, embracing sustainability is not only a moral imperative but also a business strategy that resonates with the modern consumer.

  1. Source Ethically: Implementation: Begin your journey by thoroughly vetting your suppliers. Choose partners who share your sustainable vision and prioritize ethical labor practices, environmental conservation, and sustainable materials. Partnering with organizations like the Fair Trade Federation can ensure your products are ethically made.

  2. Offer a Recycling or Upcycling Program: Implementation: Encourage your customers to send back old items they’ve purchased from you for a discount on their next buy. Organizations like Textile Recycling for Aid and International Development (TRAID) can be beneficial allies in these endeavors.

  3. Prioritize Sustainable Packaging: Implementation: Reevaluate your packaging choices with the guidance of sustainable practices presented by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. Opt for materials that are recycled, recyclable, or biodegradable.

  4. Educate & Advocate: Implementation: Use your platform to educate your audience about the importance of sustainable fashion. The Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Index is a brilliant tool for understanding and showcasing sustainability scores.

  5. Introduce a Capsule Collection: Implementation: Capsule collections emphasize quality over quantity. By designing timeless pieces, you align with movements like Slow Fashion, which advocates for lasting purchases.

Conclusion: Embarking on the sustainable fashion journey can seem challenging, especially when navigating the ever-evolving world of e-commerce. Yet, with resources like Fashion Revolution, you can be part of a global movement pushing for industry-wide change. Embrace the challenge and let your passion for change lead the way.

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The cost and time to develop virtual try on

Adding virtual try on to your online store can help increase conversions and reduce returns. According to statistics, online fashion stores that have virtual try on see an average conversion rate increase of 20%. They also see a return rate decrease of 25%. This is because customers are able to better visualize how the clothing will look on them and are less likely to order something that doesn’t fit well. But what is the cost and time to do so?

There are many benefits of virtual try on, both for the customer and the store owner. For customers, virtual try on provides a more realistic way to shop for clothes online. They no longer have to imagine how an item will look on them, they can actually see it! This helps reduce buyer’s remorse and makes it more likely that they’ll be happy with their purchase. For store owners, virtual try on can help increase conversion rates and reduce returns. It’s been shown that online fashion stores with virtual try on see an average conversion rate increase of 20%. They also see a return rate decrease of 25%. This is because customers are able to better visualize how the clothing will look on them and are less likely to order something that doesn’t fit well.

While virtual try on is a great way to increase conversions and reduce returns, it can be expensive to implement on your own. The average wage of 3D AR designers is significantly higher than standard developers thus making the implementation of virtual try on expensive, especially if you need a team of 3D designers to create virtual models of your customers. This is because 3D AR designers have more specialized skills and knowledge. They are able to create virtual models that look realistic and lifelike, which is what customers want when they’re shopping for clothes online.

The cost to develop virtual try on can be expensive, depending on the level of sophistication you want. Generally speaking, the costs run into the hundreds of thousands to design and develop a virtual try on system that is fully integrated into your online store. However, this price can go up if you want a more advanced system with features like virtual dressing rooms and 360 degree product views.

Your choice of the team impacts your development both in terms of skills and prices. Suppose you want your project to proceed speedily and effectively. In that case, you may need at least nine people to cover all aspects of AR app development:

  • 1 UX/UI designer
  • 1 3D artist
  • 2 AR developers
  • 2 server developers
  • 1 QA engineer
  • 1 project manager

It takes experienced professionals to create augmented reality apps that will be successful and wages can be anywhere from $20 to $200USD per hour.

Then you have the time to develop a virtual try on solution. If you have the in-house skillset and development team, it can take as little as a year. However, if you need to outsource the development or don’t have the required skillset in-house, then it could take significantly longer – 2000-3000 hours

When it comes to luxury fashion brands, spending on the digital strategy is a top priority. In order to stay ahead of the curve, these brands are continuously allocating more and more of their budget building innovative apps with augmented reality virtual try on.

According to a recent study, luxury fashion brands are allocating more and more of their budget to digital innovation. This is in order to stay ahead of the curve and compete with online retailers like Farfetch. For example, Farfetch spends around 20% of its revenue on digital innovation, which is significantly more than the industry average.

Net-a-porter spends a lot on digital fashion and apps. In fact, they spent $11.8 million on their app. This may seem like a high price, but it’s worth it because their app helps them increase their conversions and reduce their returns. In addition to virtual try on, the app also provides other features like a virtual closet and a style advice chatbot. These features help Net-a-porter stand out from other online fashion stores and keep their customers coming back.

ASOS is known for being a leading online fashion store. While Asos does not disclose how much they spend on their digital fashion and apps, it’s safe to say that it’s a lot! In order to keep up with the ever-changing trends in the online fashion industry, Asos has to continually invest in new technologies and innovative apps. This has helped them become a leading online fashion store and one of the most visited websites in the world.

If we look at fast fashion brands like Zara, the retailer recently unveiled its 2020-2022 plan, in which it will accelerate and broaden its digital transformation strategy. The plan includes capital expenditure of €1 billion to boost online and an additional €1.7 billion to further integrate the store platform (a total of 2.7 billion euros or $3 billion).

If you’re looking for ways to increase conversions and reduce returns, virtual try on is definitely worth considering. It’s a great way to provide a more realistic shopping experience for your customers and can help you increase sales while reducing returns. However, it’s important to keep in mind that virtual try on can be expensive to implement. If you decide to go ahead with it, make sure you have the budget to hire a team of skilled professionals who can create high-quality virtual models of your customers. *hint hint: MIRRARME* 🙂

If you don’t have the budget for developing your own platform, MIRRARME virtual try on is a great option. MIRRARME is a virtual try on platform that allows store owners to superimpose clothing onto virtual models of customers. It’s like having your own internal digital design team, but without the high cost and technical knowledge.

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should all fashion retailers worry about the metaverse?

The metaverse is amazing, but it’s also scary for many people. With the rise of high-end fashion brands like Gucci and Versace entering the metaverse, can smaller retailers afford not to be there?

The question isn’t whether to be in the metaverse, but rather how. Can you afford not to be there? While it cannot currently reach very many browsers, what most people see is that the rich and famous are entering this new realm of brand marketing. Whether or not they can afford tuition into this exclusive college remains to be seen.

It’s far too early to predict what will come of the metaverse, yet it doesn’t seem that small fashion brands can afford not to pay attention.

The Metaverse has recently been discussed when it comes to Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) platforms. Many experts are speculating about the future of this technology, especially when it comes to advertising opportunities. The question is should small fashion brands be worried about the metaverse?

Due to the large amount of high-end brands entering this new realm, many are wondering if it’s worth investing in. However, given that there is no clear business model for monetizing on these platforms, can you afford not to be developing strategies for them? If high-end fashion retailers like Dior and Gucci find success here, do their smaller competitors stand a chance?

The reality of this emerging market is that it will become increasingly difficult to distinguish yourself from your competition. As more people come into the metaverse looking for brand engagement, your target demographic may simply pass you by. Not only that, but if people can’t find what they’re looking for it will make a bad first impression.

An important thing to note is that the metaverse is not a place where you can load up your online store and sell stuff – yet. There are many opportunities in the metaverse especially when it comes to brand engagement as there are spaces for this already. The problem is that its still developing and no one has figured out how things will work just yet. This makes sense as VR technology is relatively new, especially on the market scale let alone being available to consumers from almost any manufacturer or retailer. So while it seems apparent that entering the metaverse likely isn’t a risk right now, figuring out a monetizing strategy is a challenge.

The internet was a risky endeavor for many retailers fifteen years ago, and the metaverse may be the same. Many jumped onto Google Adwords as soon as it became available on major search engines because it seemed to be a way of getting traffic to your site. In some ways, that’s all that needs to happen with the metaverse – find an emerging technology that people are starting to use and jump in there. If there isn’t already a platform built from the ground up for fashion companies, then you have the opportunity to create one yourself.

The key here isn’t so much whether or not small fashion brands can afford not to be in the metaverse but rather how they should plan ahead for this new realm. If you plan to sell in the metaverse, be prepared to invest heavily in development. It’s probably still too early for many retailers to build their own platforms if they haven’t already, but it might be worth considering to test out your design capabilities.

It is important to look at this new marketing medium and get creative about how best to use it for their brand. What seems most clear is that this will be a way for smaller brands to more effectively target customers who are specifically looking for these kinds of goods. Whether or not the average person even sees what you have available in the metaverse is irrelevant, if you are attracting the right kind of consumer, who is looking for exactly what your fashion brand has to offer.

This begs the question – do small fashion retailers have to get creative? Not necessarily. Some brands are already getting into the metaverse in their own way, by offering online shopping options that allow customers to virtually “try on” garments such as mirrARme. With these kinds of tailored web tools available, it’s not clear how much emphasis should be put on virtual storefronts in the metaverse itself.

So it seems that small fashion retailers may need to focus less on costs and more on creativity when dealing with virtual storefronts in the metaverse. There are tools being offered now which can give them a competitive edge without breaking the bank.

Whether or not you decide to invest in a fashion brand presence in the metaverse is up to you; however it seems that small businesses should not ignore this new marketing trend. The future of virtual storefronts in the metaverse are still being written – but one thing seems certain – if your business doesn’t have a way to reach consumers there, they will find somebody who can.

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How Virtual Try On Technology Is More Than a CX Tool

The fashion industry are always looking for ways to meet the needs of the socially conscious shopper who are growing more concerned with the sustainability of fashion. Waste and excess is undeniable, so how can a technology such as virtual try on assist. Most think it’s about the customer experience only, yes that is true, but the data is the real key.

Virtual try on technology can help reduce the inventory costs for fashion retailers in a few ways. Firstly, virtual try on allows retailers to see what items are being tried on and what sizes are being ordered. This information can be used to help reduce the amount of inventory that is ordered and eliminate the need to carry excess stock. Secondly, virtual try on can help retailers to identify which items are popular and which ones are not. This information can be used to make better decisions about what items to stock in the store and can help retailers save money on inventory investment.

In addition to reducing inventory costs, virtual try on data can also help fashion brands meet sustainability goals. By having better customer data, brands can more efficiently create clothes that fit well and are popular with consumers. This means that there is less waste from producing items that don’t sell, which is better for the environment.

Virtual try on can help brands understand their customers’ body types and preferences better. This information can be used to create more sustainable and eco-friendly clothing options that appeal to a wider range of people. virtual try on technology provides an avenue for fashion retailers to explore other markets they may be missing out on, without making major investments in new inventory.

In addition to reducing the amount of inventory that needs to be purchased, virtual try on can also provide retailers with valuable data on what items are hit or miss with their customers. This information can be used to make better decisions about what types of clothes to stock in the future. With virtual try on, fashion retailers can save money while also meeting the needs of socially conscious shoppers.

Virtual try on technology is also a great way to learn more about your customers’ body types. By understanding which body shapes are most popular, retailers can design their clothing lines to better suit the needs of their customers.

Virtual try on technology is revolutionizing the way that fashion retailers do business. With virtual try on, retailers can save money on inventory costs, meet sustainability goals, and understand their customers better. virtual try on is a valuable tool that no fashion retailer should be without.

If you are interested in learning more about virtual try on technology and how it can benefit your fashion retail business, please contact Mirrarme. Mirrarme is a leading virtual try on provider that has years of experience helping retailers to improve their customer experience and reduce inventory costs.

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The Future of Online Fashion: Why Virtual Try On is Essential

Online fashion is booming. In fact, it is predicted to grow into a $300 billion industry by 2021. However, with this growth comes new challenges for retailers. One of the most important challenges is providing an excellent customer experience. And virtual try on is essential to meeting this challenge. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of virtual try on for online retailers and explain why it is such an important tool for enhancing the customer experience.

One of the biggest benefits of virtual try on is that it helps to reduce returns. In fact, a study by Shopify found that retailers who offer virtual try on experience 50% fewer returns than those who don’t. This is because customers are able to get a better sense of what the item will look like on them before they buy it. As a result, they are less likely to return the item once it arrives.

Another benefit of virtual try on is that it can help to increase sales. A study by Myntra found that customers who used the virtual try on feature were 25% more likely to buy an item than those who didn’t. This is because virtual try on allows customers to get a better sense of the fit and style of the item before they buy it. This increases confidence in the purchase, which leads to more sales.

Virtual try on is also essential for combating buyer’s remorse. A study by PwC found that 71% of consumers feel buyer’s remorse after making an online purchase. This is because it can be difficult to tell how something will look or fit without trying it on first. virtual try on helps to eliminate this problem by allowing customers to see how the item looks on them before they buy it.

Overall, virtual try on is a valuable tool for online retailers. It helps to reduce returns, increase sales, and combat buyer’s remorse. virtual try on is the future of online fashion, and retailers who don’t offer it will be at a disadvantage.


So there you have it – the benefits of virtual try on for online retailers. If you are looking to provide an excellent customer experience and stay ahead of the competition, virtual try on is a must-have feature for your ecommerce store.

Looking to get started? Contact our team today to learn more about how virtual try on can benefit your business! We’d be happy to show you how easy it is to set up and use. Plus, we have a wide range of virtual try on solutions to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.

Don’t miss out – virtual try on is the future of online fashion, and you don’t want to be left behind! Contact us today to learn more.

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How Virtual Fashion and NFTs Can Work Together to Increase Brand Recognition

What is virtual fashion? It’s the process of designing and creating digital garments that can be worn in virtual reality. And what are NFTs? They’re non-fungible tokens, which are a type of cryptocurrency that represents unique digital assets. So how do these two concepts work together to create increased brand recognition? In this blog post, we’ll explore that question and discuss some of the things you’ll need to make a successful virtual fashion and NFT project.

One of the key benefits of virtual fashion is that it can be used to create a more personal connection with customers. When people can see and interact with your digital garments, they feel like they’re getting to know you better as a brand. This helps to build trust and loyalty, which are essential for any business. Additionally, virtual fashion can be used to showcase new products and designs. This is a great way to attract attention and generate interest in your brand.

Another advantage of virtual fashion is that it can be used to create unique experiences that wouldn’t be possible with physical clothing. For example, you could create a virtual fashion show that allows customers to explore the garments from all angles. Or you could create a virtual dressing room where they can try on different outfits. These kinds of experiences help to engage customers and make them feel like they’re a part of your brand.

Finally, virtual fashion can be used to create more engaging marketing campaigns. For example, you could release a collection of virtual garments that are only available for a limited time. This would create a sense of urgency and encourage people to take action before the clothes disappear. You could also use virtual fashion to target specific demographics. This would help you to reach new audiences and increase brand recognition.

So virtual fashion can be a great way to increase brand recognition. But what’s required to make a successful virtual fashion and NFT project? Here are some things to keep in mind:

– First, you’ll need a good team of designers who have experience creating digital garments.

– Second, you’ll need a strong marketing strategy to promote your virtual fashion.

– Third, you’ll need to create a compelling virtual store that customers will want to explore.

– Fourth, you’ll need to find a suitable platform for hosting your virtual fashion.

– Fifth, you’ll need to make sure that your virtual garments are compatible with different VR platforms.

– Sixth, you’ll need to test your virtual fashion before release.

– Seventh, you’ll need to set up a system for managing customer feedback.

– Eighth, you’ll need to continue updating your virtual fashion collection over time.

So these are some of the things you’ll need to keep in mind if you want to create a successful virtual fashion and NFT project.

So what’s required to make a successful virtual fashion and NFT project? First, you’ll need a good idea that showcases the unique capabilities of virtual fashion. Second, you’ll need to create high-quality digital garments that look realistic and appealing. And third, you’ll need to promote your project to attract attention and generate interest. If you can do all of these things, then you’re on your way to creating a successful virtual fashion and NFT project.

If you’re thinking of creating a virtual fashion and NFT project, be sure to check out our website for more information. We can help you get started and make your project a success. Thanks for reading!


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How Virtual Fashion Will Transform the Way We Present Ourselves Online | mirrARme

The way we dress has always been a way to communicate who we are as people. But with the rise of virtual fashion, that is about to change. In a world where we can wear anything we want, how will we present ourselves? With virtual fashion, there are no limits. You can be whoever you want to be, and dress however you please. This is a new frontier in self-expression, and one that is just starting to take off. Stay tuned for more virtual fashion in the years to come!

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are also starting to take off. These are digital assets that are unique and cannot be replicated. This makes them perfect for virtual fashion, as each item of clothing can be completely unique. NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the way we shop online, making it possible to buy and sell digital clothing in a completely decentralized way.

Crypto clothing is another trend to watch this year. With brands such as Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci, and Karl Lagerfeld getting involved, it’s clear that this is more than just a passing fad. Crypto clothing allows you to buy clothes that are not only fashionable, but also have a digital asset attached to them. This could be anything from a virtual badge or sticker to a full outfit.

Personal avatars will play a key role in virtual fashion. They are the virtual representation of you, and allow you to express yourself in any way you please. With personal avatars, the sky is the limit. You can create any look you want, and be as creative as you like.

Personal avatars are also important for virtual fashion because they allow you to try on different outfits before you buy them. This is a key advantage over traditional shopping, where you can’t really tell how something will look until you’ve actually bought it. With personal avatars, you can try on any outfit you like, and see how it looks on your virtual self. This is a huge advantage, and one that will definitely attract more people to virtual fashion.

So what’s the future of virtual fashion? It’s clear that there are some big things on the horizon, and we can expect to see a lot more in the years to come. Virtual fashion is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to change the way we present ourselves online. Stay tuned for more!

mirrARme is the perfect platform for fashion brands. It allows them to create virtual versions of their products, which can then be shared online. This is a great way to showcase your products, and it also allows customers to try them on before they buy. mirrARme is the perfect way to bring virtual fashion to life!

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Digital Identities in the Future: Your Avatar Is EVERYTHING

How will virtual shopping change in the future? What will digital identity look like then? This blog post discusses how virtual identities will be an important aspect of our lives. Virtual avatars, virtual spaces, virtual goods are becoming more and more common with each passing day. We’ll explore what this means for you as a consumer and what it could mean for your company–including why now is the time to start thinking about how to create these experiences.

Example: Virtual try on is an example of virtual shopping. You can virtually wear clothes and see what they look like before you buy them in the virtual world. This could be done through a mobile app or VR headset, which would display how different outfits fit your avatar’s body type as well as features such as skin tone and hair color. This virtual try on could be done in virtual dressing rooms, virtual stores or through an augmented reality interface such as ARKit and ARCore.

Benefit: virtual shopping is a new way to shop. it creates an immersive experience that makes the virtual world feel more real and natural than before. It’s also not limited by physical space constraints, so you can do virtual try on from any location with internet access–making it easier for customers across the globe to purchase your brand’s products.

Challenges: the main challenge with virtual shopping is that it can be difficult to create a truly immersive and believable experience. This means that companies need to put a lot of effort into developing virtual avatars, virtual spaces and virtual goods that look and feel realistic. Another challenge is that some customers may not feel comfortable buying products through a virtual interface. However, companies can overcome this by providing customer service through virtual channels and ensuring that their virtual shopping experience is easy to use.

Conclusion: as virtual identities become more common, it’s important for brands to start thinking about how they can create virtual shopping experiences for their customers. These experiences offer many benefits, such as increased immersion and global reach. However, there are also some challenges that need to be overcome. With the right planning and execution, virtual shopping can provide a new way for brands to connect with their customers and increase sales.

Looking for help developing virtual avatars or virtual try on? Contact us today!

mirrARme Team

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NFT’s for Brand Building: Ways to Use NFT Tokens | mirrARme

NFT’s, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are a new and exciting technology. They can be used in all sorts of ways to help your business and marketing strategy grow. But how do you use NFT tokens for brand building? Read on to find out!

NFT tokens can be a great way to reward customers who purchase physical items from your store. For example, you could give them a token that they can then use to access exclusive digital content or products. This will encourage them to keep coming back to your store, and it also helps to build your brand.

Fashion is all about creating a moment. And what better way to create a fashion moment than with digital assets? NFT’s can be used to create digital luxury products that will blow your customers away. These assets could be used to finance a new business, or they can simply add value and excitement to your existing offerings.

They’re an exciting way of attracting attention, and they allow you to create limited edition items that will never truly lose their value as long as the blockchain remains functional. NFT’s can be used to create an impressive marketing campaign, and they’ll help you build your brand.

For example, NFT tokens could be given away at a live event as part of a competition or giveaway. This will get people talking about the product in question on social media – and it will grow awareness while at the same time building your brand.

NFT’s can be fun and creative, too. You could give them away to customers or fans who are influential on social media – this helps to spread the word about your business in an interesting way that also builds awareness for you as a company!

So why use NFT’s for fashion? There are several reasons. Firstly, they provide a way for designers to showcase their work in a creative and playful way. Secondly, they help to build brand awareness and recognition. And finally, they allow designers to experiment with new and innovative ideas. So if you’re looking to create a fashion sensation, then NFT’s could be a great way to do it!

NFT tokens can also be a way of financing digital luxury products. For example, you could create a fashion moment NFT and allow people who purchase this token a unique experience, such as backstage pass to shows or launches, or a meet and greet with the designer. This helps to create excitement and buzz around your product, and it also builds your brand.

NFT tokens are a great opportunity for young designers who want to get their products seen by a wider audience. By creating an NFT, they can raise money to help finance the production of their digital luxury as they can use them to help get their work off the ground and create a buzz around it. They are particularly useful for crypto enthusiasts who want to back up new designs by purchasing some tokens in advance or buying them directly after being released into circulation on an exchange platform.

In conclusion, NFT tokens are a great way to help promote your brand and create unique experiences for your customers. Use them in the right way, and you can see some impressive results!

mirrARme Team